New design for BlueOrange payment cards

January 29, 2021

Starting from January 2021, BlueOrange is issuing payment cards with new design. BlueOrange is one of the first banks in Latvia, which has introduced cards with vertical design, based on the most frequent patters in the daily use of cards. The security of cards has also been improved — the card number and the user name are located on the back of the card.

“By introducing the new design for payment cards, the Bank has taken care of both the security and convenience in the daily use of cards, following the latest minimalist trends in design,” notes Rita Dogzina, the Head of the E-Commerce and Payment Card Support Division.
Payment cards with the new design will be issued to all new clients of BlueOrange, as well as in the event of expiration of previously issued payment cards, and in all other cases where payment cards are issued.

In case of questions, please contact the Bank by phone 67 031 333, for WhatsApp communication by phone 26 552 244 or by e-mail [email protected].